Artist Dainius Trumpis, at the exhibition Tin, presents haut relief objects that impart a new metaphysical value to ready-made and industrial materials. Material and corporeal, composed on galvanized metal tin plates, works in Trumpis’ Mundane series are distinct for their unusual expression of metaphysical constructivism. In an attempt to find a new means of expression that has value and is aesthetically engaging to a creator open to today’s interdisciplinary world, Trumpis produces a context of merging experiences from his personal life, his practice as a metalworker, and his exotic journeys to the East. Inspired by his trip to India where the work of making household goods, cooking, and daily life all take place in the street, in full view of everyone, Dainius Trumpis brings back to life his young days’ skills of metalwork, making them newly relevant. The artist’s most recently exhibited works are unexpectedly appealing. Haut relief objects of the Mundane series, elevated from the mundane towards existence, pulsate with a Scandinavian minimalism of freshly galvanized metal tin and abstract expressionism of a pastel alkyd enamel paint. They stand out in the panoramic landscape of the Lithuanian contemporary art thanks to the harmony of rational sensuality, existential anxiety and inner peace that is so important these days. Elona Lubytė |
When the Game is Over.